02.29.08 | A return to normal

Posted in family at 7:50 pm

My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer last summer. It’s been a harrowing 6 months. She ended up in the ICU with life-threatening infections twice and had to stop chemotherapy halfway through. Now, though, she is done with her surgeries, chemo, and radiation. A couple weeks ago, there was evidence of a “return to normal”. She made me a batch of custard, just because. Her custard always brings a smile to my face, but this batch will always be special because of what it means.


Since her diagnosis, I feel others’ cancer stories a litte deeper and they stay with me more. One that has been talked, and written, about a bit recently is regarding Randy Pausch. I read through his blog this week. If you haven’t heard his story yet, take some time to read about him. He is very inspiring. My heart goes out to him and his family. I dare you to read his story and not be touched.

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