52 Goals for 2009

Draw Closer to God

1.  Read the Bible every day.

2.  Have a daily prayer/devotional time  – bookend the day with prayer.

3.  Work on Scripture memorization – 12 disciples, 10 Commandments, 10 plagues, etc.

4.  Do one of Beth Moore’s Bible studies.

5.  Keep a prayer journal.

Financial Fitness

6.  Determine financial goals for 2009.

7.  Read a new financial book – Common Sense Economics

8.  Get life insurance and will in place.

9.  Organize financial notebook.


10.  Read a new book on marriage.

11.  Practice hubby’s love language.

12.  Weekly review meetings.

13.  Implement date nights.


14.  Read a new parenting book.

15.  Have family meeting and a family fun night once a week.

16.  Teach finances.

17.  Teach more chores – help dd set up own homekeeping notebook.


18.  Get together with a friend at least once a month.

19.  Read Power of a Positive Friend.

20.  Regularly communicate – write notes once a week, send care packages for no reason, organize a card reminder/storage system.

21.  Start a file to save clippings to send in cards.


22.  Research healthy eating.

23.  Stretch more.

24.  Establish exercise habit.

25.  Reach goal weight.


26.  Photograph household inventory.

27.  Put things away for 15 minutes a day.

28.  Organize kitchen – start working on a family cookbook.

29.  Organize closet.

30.  Organize storage boxes in attic.


31.  Make a list of all the things I would like to learn about.

32.  Research a new interest.

33.  Digital stuff – learn digital photo editing/organize iPhoto.

34.  Expression – journaling, scrapbooking.

35.  Work on ideas for blogs, and stop lurking on others’ blogs.


36.  Read at least 15 minutes a day.

37.  Finish my 12 book TBR challenge.

38.  Keep reading lists.

39.  Take notes in books.

Time Management

40.  Each evening, prep for the next day – 3 MITs.

41.  Implement time boxing.

42.  Do once-a-month cooking.

43.  Read a new book on time management.


44.  List 100 things I am thankful for.

45.  Turn complaints into gratitude.

46.  Send thankful for you cards for Thanksgiving instead of Christmas cards.

47.  Make special thank you’s for hubby and kids.


48.  Sponsor another child with GFA.

49.  Research family volunteer options.

50.  Sponsor a family for Christmas.

51.  Send a care package to a soldier.

52.  Adjust tithing amount if needed.

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